Work Smarter with Lean
To unlock greater profits in your accountancy firm - should you work harder or smarter?
Engaging Tweets
Improve the efficiency of your business by managing out the waste holding it back
Waste means your business is not as successful as it could be, it’s time to do something about this
Stop thinking your business cannot be made more efficient and start managing out the waste
Don’t let your business fail because you did not take ‘lean’ thinking seriously
What happens when you take a serious look at the waste holding your business back?
The key to the future of your business is reducing the waste within it
Discover the difference that an extra set of keys made to one school when it comes to managing waste
Stop thinking you have all the answers when it comes to managing the waste in your business – your team are the key
Asking your team the right questions about managing the waste in your business, could unlock future profits and success
Make managing waste in your business the key to its future by involving your team
Make your business a success by eliminating waste with lean thinking
8 wastes are holding your business back, eliminate them and your business will be more successful
Your business improves when you adopt lean thinking and reduce waste
8 wastes which burn the time, money and resources in your business – which one can you eliminate first?
What happens when you adopt lean thinking in your business to actively eliminate the 8 types of waste?
Learn from Ryan Tierney how to manage the waste out of your business
LinkedIn Updates
1. How efficient do you think your business is? If I asked you which parts of your business are costing you time and money, how many would you list? Do you have excess stock, people waiting to perform tasks, people performing unnecessary tasks or correcting errors, or people moving around unnecessarily? Any extra steps in your processes are a waste of time, effort and money. Click here to discover how to change this and improve the efficiency of your business by managing out the waste holding it back.
2. You might not the direct cost of the wasted time and effort in your business, but it is there. When you reduce this waste, your business will become leaner, more effective, more profitable and more successful. Click here to ensure you and your team don’t overlook this opportunity to build a better business.
3. The efficiency of your team and your business is at the heart of your future growth and success. If you and your team are inefficient and unorganised, wasting time, effort and money, then it is likely that your business is inefficient too. Click here to take ‘lean’ thinking seriously. Manage the waste out of your business and you will become lean and make more money.
4. As a business owner I know you are busy being busy, managing the day to day running of your team and business. But you want to be the best, better than the competition, to improve your profits and grow your business – right? Click here to learn that lean thinking is the key to the future of your business.
5. Eliminating waste is one of the most important prerequisites for making your business successful. Waste less and you do less, use less, wait less, move things around less and stockpile less.
Click here to learn how to make your business a success by eliminating waste with lean thinking.
6. The idea of eliminating waste originates from the Toyota Production System. They started this with Lean Manufacturing, a key element of which is waste reduction. ‘Lean’ waste reduction is an effective way to work smarter and to build a better, more profitable business, just look at how Ryan Tierney transformed Seating Matters in Northern Ireland.. Click here to learn what happens when you adopt lean thinking in your business to actively eliminate the 8 types of waste?
Facebook Posts
1. How efficient do you think your business is? If I asked you which parts of your business are costing you time and money, how many would you list? Do you have excess stock, people waiting to perform tasks, people performing unnecessary tasks or correcting errors, or people moving around unnecessarily? Any extra steps in your processes are a waste of time, effort and money. Click here to discover how to change this and improve the efficiency of your business by managing out the waste holding it back.
2. You might not the direct cost of the wasted time and effort in your business, but it is there. When you reduce this waste, your business will become leaner, more effective, more profitable and more successful. Click here to ensure you and your team don’t overlook this opportunity to build a better business.
3. The efficiency of your team and your business is at the heart of your future growth and success. If you and your team are inefficient and unorganised, wasting time, effort and money, then it is likely that your business is inefficient too. Click here to take ‘lean’ thinking seriously. Manage the waste out of your business and you will become lean and make more money.
4. As a business owner I know you are busy being busy, managing the day to day running of your team and business. But you want to be the best, better than the competition, to improve your profits and grow your business – right? Click here to learn that lean thinking is the key to the future of your business.
5. Eliminating waste is one of the most important prerequisites for making your business successful. Waste less and you do less, use less, wait less, move things around less and stockpile less.
Click here to learn how to make your business a success by eliminating waste with lean thinking.
6. The idea of eliminating waste originates from the Toyota Production System. They started this with Lean Manufacturing, a key element of which is waste reduction. ‘Lean’ waste reduction is an effective way to work smarter and to build a better, more profitable business, just look at how Ryan Tierney transformed Seating Matters in Northern Ireland.. Click here to learn what happens when you adopt lean thinking in your business to actively eliminate the 8 types of waste?
Blog Posts
Blog 1 – Make your business more profitable by reducing waste
How efficient is your business? If I asked you which parts of your business are costing you time and money, how many would you list? Do you have excess stock, people waiting to perform tasks, people performing unnecessary tasks or correcting errors, or people moving around unnecessarily?
Any extra steps in your process – any time spent repeating jobs or doing jobs inefficiently or ineffectively – act as a resource and financial drain on your business.
You might not realise it’s happening or see the direct cost of the wasted time and effort, but when you reduce this waste, your business will become leaner, more effective, more profitable and more successful.
Don’t overlook this opportunity to build a better business.
Make the right changes in your business by adopting ‘lean’ thinking to enable you and your team to work ‘smarter’, not just ‘harder’.
But how exactly can you work smarter? And who can you turn to for ideas and inspiration on working smarter?
Toyota, the world’s most successful car manufacturer and number one expert in working smarter, should be your inspiration.
They implemented ‘lean manufacturing’ within their business to eliminate waste and build a better, more profitable business.
Click here to discover how to work smarter and make your business leaner.
Blog 2 – Managing the waste in your business is the KEY to your success…
The efficiency of your team and your business is at the heart of your future growth and success. If you and your team are inefficient and unorganised, wasting time, effort and money, then it is likely that your business is inefficient as well.
As a business owner, you are very likely ‘busy being busy’, managing the day-to-day running of your team and business.
But you want to be the best, better than the competition, to improve your profits and grow your business – right?
It’s time to take ‘lean’ thinking seriously. Manage the waste out of your business and you will become leaner and more successful.
Lean thinking is the key to the future of your business.
Even a local school can reduce waste and improve teaching, with a key…
A new head teacher at a local school introduced himself to the teaching staff and asked this one simple question:
“What one thing is making your job harder than it should be?”
Almost in unison, the teachers replied: “Classroom keys.”
Every teacher regularly experienced a locked classroom and had to wait an average of 10 minutes before each lesson for the caretaker to open the room. Ten minutes of wasted time for every lesson – with 20 lessons a week.
All because the caretaker was the only one with a set of keys.
By issuing each teacher his or her own set of keys, the school clawed back 200 minutes of teaching time a week. Within a 13-week term that meant 43 hours more teaching time per class. With 30 pupils per class, that’s 1,300 hours of learning no longer wasted every single term.
Naturally the new head teacher was an instant hit with the staff, but all he did was reduce 1 of the 8 types of waste. Lean thinking changed a little thing for this school, but it made a BIG difference.
Can you do the same in your business?
Better manage the 8 types of waste and avoid missing out on the profits, cash and growth you could have…
Click here to discover the 8 types of waste and how to identify them and manage them out of your business with lean thinking.
Blog 3 – Manage out the 8 wastes holding back your business
Eliminating waste is one of the most important prerequisites for making your business successful.
The idea of eliminating waste originates from the Toyota Production System. They started this with Lean Manufacturing, a key element of which is waste reduction. ‘Lean’ waste reduction is an effective way to work smarter and to build a better, more profitable business.
Many other businesses have been inspired and have adopted Lean as a way of working in their business, as Ryan Tiernay has with great success at his Northern Ireland business, Seating Matters.
“Lean is all about taking a process – any process – and removing anything from it that doesn’t add value... Lean is about growing and developing people.” – Ryan Tierney, Seating Matters CEO, Northern Ireland
Like Toyota, Ryan Tierney sees continuous improvement and respect for people as the two pillars that underpin the Lean working culture in his business. He believes that, as a consequence of a Lean approach, a number of things in your business will improve:
- Team Engagement – because the team are involved in job improvement
- Productivity – because lots of small improvements build up over time
- Quality – because your process improvements reduce mistakes
- Speed – because you remove the barriers to efficient workflow and throughput
- Costs – a natural consequence of all the above
- “My hair is on fire” overload – last-minute panics reduce as a result of the lean planning, giving you confidence and certainty in your processes and systems
As a result of these 6 improvements, Ryan has seen the profitability of his business increase. The same can happen in your business when you implement a Lean working culture.
Waste less and you do less, use less, wait less, move things around less and stockpile less.
When you reduce the waste in your business, making it leaner, you will work smarter, not just harder, and will drive up your profits.
Fail to eliminate waste and you fail to maximise the profits from your business.
You want a leaner and more profitable business, don’t you?
Help your team see the waste, eliminate the waste and show the improvement.
Click here to discover the 8 wastes that Ryan Tierney believes you need to focus on in your business and how to build momentum within your team with some quick wins.
Engaging E-mails
Build success when you make lean management the smart way to run your business
As a business owner, manager or leader, it can be frustrating to put in so much effort, day after day, yet not see the growth and profits to which you aspire. Or you may be so overwhelmed by daily tasks that you are unable to explore other options in your business.
Have you ever thought about working ‘smarter’, not ‘harder’?
How do you turn your hard work into smart work?
In this 'Work Smarter with Lean' edition of Business Breakthrough you will learn, in the time it takes to drink a cup of tea:
- how Toyota has adopted a lean manufacturing process with such success that it’s now part of their working culture
- the 2 pillars that underpin the lean working culture and the improvements that a lean system can make to your business
- how one school unlocked the issue of time with one turn of a key
- the 8 sources of improvement (8 wastes) you need to manage in your business to build a lean working culture
Click here to learn how a lean working culture is founded on continuous improvement and respect for people, and how to focus on the 8 key areas of improvement in your business by identifying what adds value and what doesn’t.
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