Winning Influence
How do you get even the world’s most stubborn people to help your business win?
Engaging Tweets
Win at influence and your business wins
Positively influence your way to business success
Inspirational influence can transform the success of your business
Your business wins when you win at influence
Winning ways of influence…
Improve your people’s motivation to do what’s needed and your business wins
Improve your people’s ability to do what’s needed and your business wins
You must influence and change behaviour to drive through the change you want in your business
Changing 3 behaviours wiped out a parasitic disease affecting 3.5 million people…
How changing 3 deep rooted behaviours has changed the lives of 3.5 million people
Influence real behaviour change by making complexity your friend
The world’s best influencers use layer upon layer of influence to drive real behaviour change
Build your layers of influence for real business success
To ensure real, long term and permanent behaviour change in your business … simple is not best
If hardened criminals can be influenced to change their behaviour, then your business can be influenced too…
Use the 6 sources of influence today and drive through the behaviour change you are looking for in your business
Use key members of your team to influence the behaviour of the rest…
Show your people that the work they do is worthwhile and get the buy-in to the change you seek
Build skill together, influence changes in behaviour by positive group support
Your business wins when you take building the skill level of your team members seriously
To grow your business, focus on the sources of influence to ensure your business wins
Be skilled at influencing others and watch your profits grow
Take time to become a skilled influencer, it will lead you to greater business success
You know the behaviours in your business you don’t want, it’s time to do something about them
Work out the behaviours that are holding your business back and then influence the changes you want
When you use the 6 sources of influence your business wins
Winning at business means winning at influencing your people
Positive influence can get even the most difficult people on board with your winning ways
Here’s how you get even the world’s most stubborn people on board for your business success
Time to start using 4 of the 6 sources of influence to ensure your business wins…
Influence the people in your business to STOP doing the things that undermine your business, your results and your future growth.
Influence the people in your business to START doing things that help them improve their results, their performance and their behaviours.
Learn from the worlds best influencers and bring you real and effective change to your business.
Of the 6 layers of influence that are at your disposal, apply just 4 and you will be on your way to success.
LinkedIn Updates
Update 1:
As a business leader or manager, one of your jobs is to solve difficult issues and problems.
This requires you to influence people just about all of the time. This influencing can take many different forms: gaining support, inspiring others, persuading other people to embrace an idea or change and help create and build new relationships.
Whatever form it takes, when you become an excellent influencer your job gets easier. Click here to learn how you can influence even the most challenging of people and transform the success of your business.
Update 2:
You know those people in your business with deep rooted behaviour issues that are affecting your overall success…
You know that to move your business forward you need to change the way they do things.
The question is how do you do this…
The world’s best influence experts use a formula – 6 sources of influence, to help them change what people do, click here to read more.
Update 3:
Your business must respond to changing markets, technical advances and customer demands if it is to survive…
But sometimes it is difficult to get some of your team to respond in the way that you want.
Most people have a familiar way of working, a routine, an entrenched behaviour that’s the way we’ve always done it.”
Your job as a business owner or manager is to influence the change in this behaviour to allow your business to grow its profits.
When you improve your people’s motivation and ability to change their mindset you will influence their behaviour to do what’s needed. Click here to learn how it worked for The Carter Centre to wipe out a deadly disease.
Update 4:
The story of the success of The Carter Centre in eradicating the Guinea worm disease proves that even deeply embedded behaviour can be changed provided there is the right motivation and the ability to do something about it.
In 1986 3.5 million people in 21 countries suffered from Guinea worm. Dr Donald R Hopkins working for the Carter Centre, changed the behaviour of millions of people to eradicate this disease.
Read here
Update 5:
Influencing habitual long term behaviour change is not easy, it’s complicated, it’s time consuming...
Most behaviour change fails because we look for simple solutions. There are many forces at play influencing the way we do things, so for long term effective changes in behaviour we must introduce layer upon layer of new influences.
In fact, for real and permanent behaviour change you MUST apply at least 4 out of the ‘6 sources of influence’ to your business. Click here to read more…
Update 6:
If Dr Mimi Silbert and the Delancey Street Foundation in the US can change the behaviour of dangerous criminals with a history of violence, drug use and gang related crime then surely you can drive through the change that you seek in your business…
Typically, the Delancey residents have 4 serious criminal convictions and a history of being involved in crime for a number of years. Their involvement in crime has become a way of life, the norm, their ‘revert to type’ behaviour.
So how has Dr Silbert and her team turned 16,000 ex-cons into stable proactive members of society and influenced real and permanent change in their behaviour?
By using the ‘6 sources of Influence’ and building layer upon layer of influence to drive through real and permanent change.
Click here to read more about the success of the Delancey Street Foundation and learn that your skill to influence others will determine the success of your business…
Update 7:
The most important capacity we possess is our ability to influence ourselves and others. Learn to see every important challenge you face as an influence challenge”. The Influencer: The Power to Change Anything
The authors of the Influencer: The Power to Change Anything make the point that complex problems are not solved by silver bullets.
Their research found that change in your business will be more successful if you find a few vital behaviours that will have the most impact in contributing to the change you are looking to achieve. Click here for more.
Update 8:
Be a successful influencer by using the 6 sources of influence in your business.
Motivate your individuals, build their skill level, get them to work as a team using a few vital influential individuals, recognise and reward their achievements and make small environmental changes to successfully influence the behaviour change you are looking for and to bring about real business wins.
Update 9:
How do you influence the behaviour of some of the most challenging people in your team?
You run a successful business…now you want it to grow… to be more successful… to be more profitable…
For success you must influence a change in behaviour of the few people in your business holding you back.
Click here to learn how
Update 10:
How do you influence the behaviour of some of the most challenging people in your team?
Here are a few helping hands to ensure your business success:
• Be clear on the behaviours you DON’T want
• Work out the influences that are supporting the wrong behaviours
• Be clear on the behaviours you DO want
• Work out which new influences support the new behaviours you want
Click here to learn more.
Update 11:
You might have a new project or idea that you need support from your team for, or you might have a business challenge or a recurring frustration that you feel is holding your business back and stopping for you from making that ‘big business’ win.
You want to share your idea or challenge with your team but you know that there are a few members of your team who will be resistant or negative and will not fully embrace the idea of the change you seek.
So, what steps do you take to get your people onside and fully embracing the new behaviours you want?
Update 12:
In their brilliant book ‘Influencer: The Power to Change Anything’ the authors focus on 6 sources of influence and use brilliant examples of how these influences have been applied to bring about long term successful changes in behaviour.
Read more here on how to use the 6 sources of influence to bring about long term successful changes in behaviour in your business.
Facebook Posts
Update 1:
As a business leader or manager, one of your jobs is to solve difficult issues and problems.
This requires you to influence people just about all of the time. This influencing can take many different forms: gaining support, inspiring others, persuading other people to embrace an idea or change and help create and build new relationships.
Whatever form it takes, when you become an excellent influencer your job gets easier. Click here to learn how you can influence even the most challenging of people and transform the success of your business.
Update 2:
You know those people in your business with deep rooted behaviour issues that are affecting your overall success…
You know that to move your business forward you need to change the way they do things.
The question is how do you do this…
The world’s best influence experts use a formula – 6 sources of influence, to help them change what people do, click here to read more.
Update 3:
Your business must respond to changing markets, technical advances and customer demands if it is to survive…
But sometimes it is difficult to get some of your team to respond in the way that you want.
Most people have a familiar way of working, a routine, an entrenched behaviour that’s the way we’ve always done it.”
Your job as a business owner or manager is to influence the change in this behaviour to allow your business to grow its profits.
When you improve your people’s motivation and ability to change their mindset you will influence their behaviour to do what’s needed. Click here to learn how it worked for The Carter Centre to wipe out a deadly disease.
Update 4:
The story of the success of The Carter Centre in eradicating the Guinea worm disease proves that even deeply embedded behaviour can be changed provided there is the right motivation and the ability to do something about it.
In 1986 3.5 million people in 21 countries suffered from Guinea worm. Dr Donald R Hopkins working for the Carter Centre, changed the behaviour of millions of people to eradicate this disease.
Read here
Update 5:
Influencing habitual long term behaviour change is not easy, it’s complicated, it’s time consuming...
Most behaviour change fails because we look for simple solutions. There are many forces at play influencing the way we do things, so for long term effective changes in behaviour we must introduce layer upon layer of new influences.
In fact, for real and permanent behaviour change you MUST apply at least 4 out of the ‘6 sources of influence’ to your business. Click here to read more…
Update 6:
If Dr Mimi Silbert and the Delancey Street Foundation in the US can change the behaviour of dangerous criminals with a history of violence, drug use and gang related crime then surely you can drive through the change that you seek in your business…
Typically, the Delancey residents have 4 serious criminal convictions and a history of being involved in crime for a number of years. Their involvement in crime has become a way of life, the norm, their ‘revert to type’ behaviour.
So how has Dr Silbert and her team turned 16,000 ex-cons into stable proactive members of society and influenced real and permanent change in their behaviour?
By using the ‘6 sources of Influence’ and building layer upon layer of influence to drive through real and permanent change.
Click here to read more about the success of the Delancey Street Foundation and learn that your skill to influence others will determine the success of your business…
Update 7:
The most important capacity we possess is our ability to influence ourselves and others. Learn to see every important challenge you face as an influence challenge”. The Influencer: The Power to Change Anything
The authors of the Influencer: The Power to Change Anything make the point that complex problems are not solved by silver bullets.
Their research found that change in your business will be more successful if you find a few vital behaviours that will have the most impact in contributing to the change you are looking to achieve. Click here for more.
Update 8:
Be a successful influencer by using the 6 sources of influence in your business.
Motivate your individuals, build their skill level, get them to work as a team using a few vital influential individuals, recognise and reward their achievements and make small environmental changes to successfully influence the behaviour change you are looking for and to bring about real business wins.
Update 9:
How do you influence the behaviour of some of the most challenging people in your team?
You run a successful business…now you want it to grow… to be more successful… to be more profitable…
For success you must influence a change in behaviour of the few people in your business holding you back.
Click here to learn how
Update 10:
How do you influence the behaviour of some of the most challenging people in your team?
Here are a few helping hands to ensure your business success:
• Be clear on the behaviours you DON’T want
• Work out the influences that are supporting the wrong behaviours
• Be clear on the behaviours you DO want
• Work out which new influences support the new behaviours you want
Click here to learn more.
Update 11:
You might have a new project or idea that you need support from your team for, or you might have a business challenge or a recurring frustration that you feel is holding your business back and stopping for you from making that ‘big business’ win.
You want to share your idea or challenge with your team but you know that there are a few members of your team who will be resistant or negative and will not fully embrace the idea of the change you seek.
So, what steps do you take to get your people onside and fully embracing the new behaviours you want?
Update 12:
In their brilliant book ‘Influencer: The Power to Change Anything’ the authors focus on 6 sources of influence and use brilliant examples of how these influences have been applied to bring about long term successful changes in behaviour.
Read more here on how to use the 6 sources of influence to bring about long term successful changes in behaviour in your business.
Blog Posts
BLOG 1 – How do you get the most stubborn people in the world to help your business win?
As a business leader or manager, one of your jobs is to solve difficult issues and problems.
This requires you to influence people just about all of the time. This influencing can take many different forms: gaining support, inspiring others, persuading other people to embrace an idea or change and help create and build new relationships.
Whatever form it takes, when you become an excellent influencer your job gets easier.
You know those people in your business with deep rooted behaviour issues that are affecting your overall success…
You know that to move your business forward, you need to change the way they do things.
The question is how do you do this…
The world’s best influence experts use a formula – 6 sources of influence, to help them change what people do.
They believe that when you follow this model you too will become a winning influencer
They believe your business wins when you improve your ability to positively influence others.
Can you allow your business to ignore this?
Click here to learn how to become an influence expert and positively influence the success of your business.
BLOG 2 – Effective Influencing is all about motivation and ability
Your business must respond to changing markets, technical advances and customer demands if it is to survive…
But sometimes it is difficult to get some of your team to respond in the way that you want.
Most people have a familiar way of working, a routine, an entrenched behaviour “that’s the way we’ve always done it.”
Your job as a business owner or manager is to influence the change in this behaviour to allow your business to grow its profits.
When you improve your people’s motivation and ability to change their mindset you will influence their behaviour to do what’s needed.
The story of the success of The Carter Centre in eradicating the Guinea worm disease proves that even deeply embedded behaviour can be changed – provided there is the right motivation and the ability to do something about it.
Guinea worm disease is a parasitic infection caused when people consume water from stagnant sources contaminated with worm larvae. Inside the human body the worms mature and grow. After about a year the worm, sometimes 1 metre long, creates a painful blister on the skin and slowly emerges from the body. Guinea worm sufferers seek relief from the agony of the blister by bathing in water sources, but this contact with water stimulates the worm to release its larvae into the water and begin the cycle of infection all over again.
In 1986 3.5 million people in 21 countries suffered from Guinea worm. Dr Donald R Hopkins working for the Carter Centre, changed the behaviour of millions of people to eradicate this disease.
Read here how 3 behaviour changes wiped out the disease, and how you can apply these behaviour changing principles to your business.
BLOG 3 – When it comes to influencing real behaviour change – complexity is your friend
Influencing habitual long term behaviour change is not easy, it’s complicated, it’s time consuming...
Most behaviour change fails because we look for simple solutions. There are many forces at play influencing the way we do things, so for long term effective changes in behaviour we must introduce layer upon layer of new influences.
In fact, for real and permanent behaviour change you MUST apply at least 4 out of the ‘6 sources of influence’ to your business.
If Dr Mimi Silbert and the Delancey Street Foundation in the US can change the behaviour of dangerous criminals with a history of violence, drug use and gang related crime then surely you can drive through the change that you seek in your business…
Typically, the Delancey residents have 4 serious criminal convictions and a history of being involved in crime for a number of years. Their involvement in crime has become a way of life, the norm, their ‘revert to type’ behaviour.
So how has Dr Silbert and her team turned 16,000 ex-cons into stable proactive members of society and influenced real and permanent change in their behaviour?
By using the ‘6 sources of Influence’ and building layer upon layer of influence to drive through real and permanent change.
Click here to read more about the success of the Delancy Street Foundation and learn that your skill to influence others will determine the success of your business…
BLOG 4 – Can the 6 sources of influence affect the vital changes in behaviour needed in your business?
The most important capacity we possess is our ability to influence ourselves and others. Learn to see every important challenge you face as an influence challenge”. The Influencer: The Power to Change Anything
The authors of the Influencer: The Power to Change Anything make the point that complex problems are not solved by silver bullets.
Their research found that change in your business will be more successful if you find a few vital behaviours that will have the most impact in contributing to the change you are looking to achieve.
They found that for successful behaviour change you must apply at least 4 out of the 6 sources of influence:
1) Personal motivation - it can be hard to change behaviour especially when the personal motivation of your team is low. Show your people that their work is worthwhile and you’ll get their buy-in to the behaviour changes you want.
2) Personal ability – building your team’s personal skill level and ability will influence the changes in behaviour you seek. For example, at The Delancey Foundation, skill building is taken very seriously and time is set aside and recorded and skill-building monitored. Read more here
3) Harness peer pressure - when enacting real change, you don’t always need the buy in of your whole team (there are always a number of rebels), but you do need the critical mass. Find those influential individuals in your team to support your cause and use them to get the rest of the team on board.
4) Find strength in numbers – this worked at the Delancey Street Foundation as the residents shared dorms and worked in crews, with crew bosses, this encouraged a pack mentality (familiar to the criminal residents). Work out how you can create this sense of unity for the change in your business.
5) Design rewards and demand accountability – small and regular incentives positively influence changes in behaviour.
Do you have a reward system in your business? What sort of reward system could you create to support the changes in behaviour within your business?
6)Change the environment - sometimes simple changes in a business environment can influence behaviour. Think about the space you work in, sometimes a lick of paint, new office furniture or taking your team to lunch once a month can have the positive influence you seek.
Remember you only need to apply 4 of these ‘sources of influence’ to your business to result in successful behaviour change.
Read more here about the overwhelming success the 6 sources of influence have had at the Delancey Street Foundation.
BLOG 5 – Use the skills you have as a business owner to influence your way to success
How do you influence the behaviour of some of the most challenging people in your team?
You run a successful business…now you want it to grow… to be more successful… to be more profitable…
For success, you must influence a change in behaviour of the few people in your business holding you back.
This is not simple. It’s complicated and it takes time…
Here are a few helping hands to ensure your business success:
•Be clear on the behaviours you DON’T want
•Work out the influences that are supporting the wrong behaviours
•Be clear on the behaviours you DO want
•Work out which new influences will support the new behaviours you want
Remember you run a successful business, but to grow your business you need to be skilled at influencing the behaviours affecting the profitability of your business.
To read more on the ‘6 sources of influence’ you need to use to make your business win click here.
BLOG 6 – Build your influence skills and set your business on the road to winning ways…
You might have a new project or idea that you need support from your team for.
Or you might have a business challenge or a recurring frustration that you feel is holding your business back and stopping you from making that ‘big business’ win.
You want to share your idea or challenge with your team but you know that there are a few members of your team who will be resistant or negative and will not fully embrace the idea of the change you seek.
So, what steps do you take to get your people onside and fully embracing the new behaviours you want?
In their brilliant book ‘Influencer: The Power to Change Anything’ the authors focus on ‘6 sources of influence’ and use brilliant examples of how these influences have been applied to bring about long term successful changes in behaviour.
These influences were used to eradicate a disease affecting 3.5 million people in 21 countries.
They were used to transform 16,000 dangerous criminals convicted of serious crimes including drug, gang and violence related offences into law abiding citizens who now live and work as part of a community.
Remember real change is a complex issue and cannot be solved simply.
But when you use the 6 sources of influence to change the deep embedded behaviours of you team in your business you will be able to make the ‘big business’ wins you are looking for…
BLOG 7 – Time to start using 4 of the 6 sources of influence to ensure your business wins…
It’s a fact that one or more people in your business are doing things that either hold the business back or are failing to do the things that would drive your business forwards and bring you the success you want.
Your job is to get these people to stop…
STOP doing the things that undermine your business, your results and your future growth.
Your job is to get these people to start…
START doing things that help them improve their results, their performance and their behaviours.
Only then can you drive your business forward.
Remember whether you want to influence one person or many you must do what the world’s greatest influencers do.
Of the 6 layers of influence that are at your disposal, apply just 4 and you will be on your way to success.
It’s what brings real and effective change.
It will bring you real and effective change.
Click here to learn what steps you take to get your people onside and fully embracing the new behaviours you want in your business…
Engaging E-mails
Influence your way to a winning business...
As a business owner or manager your job is to solve difficult problems.
To solve deeply entrenched and persistent problems it takes a combination of influence strategies aimed at several changes in behaviour.
So how can you increase your skill as an influencer to drive changes in behaviour and ensure success in your business?
Go here to influence your way to success
In this ‘winning influence’ edition of Business Bitesize you will learn, in the time it takes to drink a cup of tea:
- what steps you can take to get your people onside so they fully embrace the behaviour changes you want
- how 3 changes in behaviour wiped out a disease affecting 3.5 million people in 21 countries
- that even the behaviour of violent, gangland criminals can be changed using 6 ‘sources of influence’
Build your influencer skills and set your business on the road to winning ways...
Business Breakthrough Subscriber Resources