Successful Change
Stand still and you lose, embrace change and your business wins...
Engaging Tweets
Stand still and you lose, embrace change and your business wins.
To grow your business, you must accept change.
Embrace change for profit growth in your business.
Fail to master change and you fail to grow your business.
Apply the same principals for managing personal change to managing your professional change and the results will speak for themselves.
Be a change master and implement change correctly in your business.
Implementing change in a business requires the team to work, get your team on board by using the right principles to make the changes obvious and beneficial.
With the right planning and strategies in place the changes within your business can only succeed.
Minimise stress in your business changes and maximise success.
Make change obvious, natural and normal – the key drivers to successful change management within your business.
For change to succeed you must follow the 3-part pattern to achieve a competitive advantage for your business
Successful change needs emotional buy-in as well as logical reasoning and clear direction
Read how your memorable 3-part pattern for successful change starts with the rider, the path and the elephant
To implement success change you must follow a pattern, this 3-part memorable pattern will lead to business growth and profit growth
All good things come in threes and the plan for successful change is no exception
Your business will not successfully manage change unless you follow the memorable 3-part pattern.
Learn how this memorable 3-part pattern changed the lives of 2.2 million people in Vietnam
Embrace the simplicity of the 3-part memorable plan and you can turn change into competitive advantage
Jerry Sternin successfully changed the lives of malnourished children by implementing the 3-part memorable plan
The 3-part pattern really works – read Jerry Sternin’s story here.
Work out how you can successfully manage change by ‘directing the rider’ with better logic.
Work out how you can successfully manage change by ‘motivating the elephant’ with emotional appeal.
Work out how you can successfully manage change by ‘shaping the path’ and making the steps easier and more obvious.
Successful change starts with someone changing their behaviour – the someone is you.
When change happens it follows a pattern, stop ignoring that pattern and embrace it
Start your change plan with small changes, then you’ll see small changes can snowball into big changes
A small change can make a big difference to the profits of your company.
Can you afford to implement change within your company without an end in mind?
Make change part of the culture of your company by using the 3-part memorable plan.
Address the ‘human side’ of change before you do anything - if your team are not part of the change, it is unlikely to succeed.
Organisations need to change – plan well and it will become a business bonus not a burden.
What looks like resistance to change is often lack of clarity, work out how to ‘direct the rider’ with clear, obvious and concrete plans for successful change.
LinkedIn Updates
Update 1:
Embrace change for profit growth within your business.
Don’t get left behind by the competition by being resistant to change. Successfully managing and implementing change means that you will be able to stay one step ahead of the competition, keep up with customer demands and be ready to face the changes your market sector demands. Click here to read the skills necessary to make change work for you.
Update 2:
Stay in front of your competition by leading the change required within your business.
Do you remember what your website was like 10 years ago? Did you even have a website 10 years ago? What if you had decided that a website was not for you and the upheaval to your business would have been too great. Where would you be now? Behind the competition, out of touch with suppliers and customers and out of date in every way. Don’t get left behind, if you adopt a successful change pattern then you, the team and the business as a whole will benefit. Click here to learn more.
Update 3:
Make change a positive and essential part of your working life.
We all manage change in our everyday life, sometimes without even realising, we move house, get married, have children, change jobs and cars and sometimes repeat the changes. We manage these changes because we have to and they are essential to the progression of our lives. Why should it be any different at work? Managing change within your business is just as important, as it is essential to your growth as a person and to the growth, success and longevity of your business. Read here how to successfully manage change and grow your business
Update 4:
Make your team see the change as irresistible and they will not be resistant.
Resistance to change comes from lack of clarity – be clear about the changes you want to make, the pattern you want the change to take and watch the resistance crumble. Read here for more.
Update 5:
How many of your people have got married, moved house or had children, whatever change within your business you are proposing is less dramatic than all of them so make the right changes to lead to business growth and greater profits. Here is the proof.
Update 6:
In business it is vital to remember that the members of your team can't just drop everything and 'change', or learn new skills, just because you have decided change is necessary, even if they want to, as they have a whole range of daily tasks in their current working situation. It is the manager’s job to make the change in the business as obvious, natural and normal as possible demonstrating the success of the change through planning and the team working together. Read here to see the pattern for successful change.
Update 7:
The successful change 3-part pattern offers the simple solution you are seeking.
Let me explain: an alarm clock that goes off at 6am and scoots off your bedside table to prevent you hitting the snooze button (and means you have to get out of bed to switch it off) is a simple solution - it’s called ‘Clocky’ and is available on Amazon. It directs the rider and gets you out of bed and on the way to the gym and ultimately working towards your destination – whether that be losing weight or getting fitter or both… To read more about how to successfully implement the 3-part plan click here…
Update 8:
The memorable 3-part plan – the key to managing change successfully – ignore it and your business loses
Here are the facts: successful change is not possible unless you:
Direct The Rider – Use a strong obvious and logical reason for change to influence the rider. Follow the bright spots, script the critical moves and point to the destination.
Motivate The Elephant – Appeal to emotions, not just to logic, to influence the emotional elephant. Find the feeling, shrink the change and ultimately grow your people.
Shape The Path – Make the route, the steps, the path to change crystal clear, obvious, explicit. Change the environment, build new habits and motivate the entire team.
Read more here about how the 3-part pattern works in practice and the skills involved to implement it.
Update 9:
Jerry Sternin proved that the 3-part change pattern works in Vietnam by changing the cooking practices within the community and saving millions of children. He followed the plan and helped change the environment permanently. In their book Switch, Chip and Dan Heath make the pattern easy to follow:
Direct the rider – follow the bright spots, script the critical moves and point to the end game.
Motivate the elephant – Find the feeling, shrink the change and grow the people
Shape the path – tweak the environment, build habits, rally the herd.
Read more about what this actually means and the success Jerry had here.
Update 10:
The key to managing change successfully is to implement and stick to the 3-part memorable plan
· Look at the elements that work and use them as the basis of your change
· Script the areas of the job you want to change carefully so that there is no confusion, this makes the change seem much smaller than it actually is (shrink the change)
· Get emotional buy in from everyone, through working together you create unity and a desire to change
· Make everyone aware of what you want to achieve and the benefits involved
· Tweak the environment, sometimes being somewhere different or an office move round can help, this means that the habits then might be different.
· You then need to rally the herd – get everyone working together and moving in the same direction with the clear end game you have laid out at the forefront of everything they are doing.
To read more about how to implement the 3-part memorable plan please click here
Update 11:
Get on board the successful change management bus, its coming your way!
When change works it follows a pattern. Successful change happens when your people have a clear and understood direction, real motivation and a supportive environment.
Read here how to make this work for your business
Update 12:
For change to work first YOU have to change
Unless you change how you manage the business and the team then you will continue to get the same results and the same resistance. People don’t resist change they resist being changed. Remember what looks like resistance is often lack of clarity. So it pays to use the successful 3-part change plan.
Remove the obstacles, point to the goal, make the changes small and achievable, make the targets clear and motivate the team all the way along.
Start by being the first to change, lead from the front and the rest of the team will follow. Click here to read more.
Update 13:
Change is and should be a positive thing for you, your team and your business.
In general humans manage change in their personal lives exceptionally well (moving house, having children, getting married, etc.) |f the memorable 3-part change pattern is applied to the areas of your business you want to change, the results will speak for themselves.
Here are a few useful things to remember
· Communicate your aims, the plan and the end goal
· Make the achievements in the beginning small and reward accordingly
· Be proactive and focused
· Ensure you get the team on board
· Build the change into the culture of the company so it becomes part of the everyday working environment
· Make change a positive aspect of business growth
Read more on how change is a positive and essential part of growing your business here.
Update 14:
Be inspired by change and the possibilities are endless
Adopt a fresh and structured approach to leading and managing change and watch your business reach new heights.
With the help of the content in this Business Bitesize you will be inspired to adopt a fresh and structured approach to change. In their book ‘How to change things when change is hard’ the Heath brothers brilliantly share many powerful stories to prove the power of their 3-part pattern for successful change.
· Direct the Rider
· Motivate the Elephant
· Shape the Path
The evidence in this brilliant book will prove that if you commit to the 3-part plan for successful change it will be the best thing your business ever does!
Read more here
Facebook Posts
1) Don’t get left behind by the competition because you fail to successfully recognise and manage the need for change within your business.Click here to learn more.
2) Click here to watch your business grow and have a competitive advantage by implementing and successfully managing change within your business.
3) Do you recognise the need for change within your company but are scared to do something about it, you would be more scared if your business was losing money instead of making money, so click here to take the leap of faith and make change work for you and your business.
4) If you do one thing this year - make sure your business moves forward by managing the changes needed to ensure profit growth. Click here to learn how.
5) For anything to change someone has to start acting differently – click here to make that someone you and lead the change towards to better future in your business.
6) When change happens it tends to follow a pattern. We’ve got to stop ignoring the pattern and embrace it – read how here…
7) How many of your team have got married, moved house or had children, whatever change within your business you are proposing is less dramatic than all of the. So click here to seize the day and make the right changes to lead your business to greater growth and greater profits.
8) Can any significant change be done without a plan, personal of professional? Successful change requires a plan, read here to learn how the 3-part memorable plan can work for you, your team and your business.
9) Do you understand the importance of directing the rider, motivating the elephant and shaping the path in managing successful change? Don’t ignore the success this understanding will give you. Click here for more
10) This memorable 3-part plan can unlock the secret of successfully managing change and help you make the process enjoyable as well as profitable. Click here to learn more.
11) Here is a great ‘successful change’ story involving Jerry Sternin, who arrived in Vietnam in 1991 with his young family. His remit from Save the Children was, with almost no money, to transform the lives of millions of severely malnourished children. Read here how he did it...
12) By following the 3-part memorable plan you can change working practices for the better forever, don’t believe me, read how here…
13) You don’t think your people will change? Have you met opposition in the past from your people? Here is one solution that you cannot afford to ignore – this 3-part memorable plan really works…
14) Click here to work out how to successfully managed change by directing the rider, motivating the elephant and shaping the path
15) Stop thinking that a strong logical argument for the rider alone will result in successful change, it’s not enough. Click here to start doing what you can to influence and motivate the emotional elephant in us all.
16) Your job as a manager is to be able to introduce and manage change to ensure the organisational objectives of change are met, and that they gain the commitment of your people, both during and after implementation. The reality is also that you have to, at the same time, ensure that business continues as usual. That’s why the 3-part change plan is essential to both successful change and business growth. Read more here
17) As a race humans are already highly successful in managing change (moving house, having children, getting married, etc.) Your job as a business leader is to apply the memorable 3-part change pattern to the areas of your business you want to change. Click here to learn how.
Blog Posts
BLOG 1 - Are you doing what you have always done in your business?
We all manage change every day in our personal lives, leaving home, going to University, getting married, buying a house, moving jobs… these are all natural changes although some of them are large and can be unpredictable. Our job is to manage these changes and the transition from something old to something new as smoothly and as positively as possible.
The same approach is critical in our working lives.
Leading and managing change is a critical skill for you and your business. However, if you continue to do what you have always done in your business, what happens?
· Your business and profits do not grow but your competitors will.
· Your customers demand more and if you cannot meet the demand they will look elsewhere.
· Technology moves forward, it’s always changing, there is never regression.
To grow and make a success of your business you must accept, manage and successfully implement change…. Click here to learn how (URL to your webpage BBS).
BLOG 2 - To change is human…
When you manage change in your personal life you automatically manage it in a way that is achievable and realistic.
Sometimes without even thinking about it.
You would never plan a big wedding only 2 weeks after the engagement.
You would never buy a house that you could not afford and move in if it was not ready.
You manage these changes with ease (sometimes) and plan them to ensure maximum success, minimum stress and very little upheaval if you can help it.
Of course, along the way things happen to affect the management, sometimes wedding plans change, houses fall through, babies arrive early, but if you have the plans in place then you are normally ready to deal with the bumps in the road.
The same principles HAVE TO be applied to managing change within your business, no matter how big the change and how big the business.
In business, it is vital to remember that the members of your team can't just drop everything and 'change', or learn new skills, just because you have decided change is necessary…
Even if they want to, as they have a whole range of daily tasks in their current working situation.
It’s your job to make the change in the business as obvious, natural and normal as possible demonstrating the success of the change through planning and the team working together.
Read here (URL to your webpage BBS) to see the pattern for successful change.
BLOG 3 - How can a RIDER on an ELEPHANT on a PATH lead your business to successful change?
The memorable 3-part pattern works!
Change when successfully managed can lead to dramatic results. For the best results Jonathan Haidt, an eminent psychologist suggests change works best when you appeal to both the emotional and the logical side of peoples’ brains. He believes that the memorable 3-part pattern for success is a RIDER on an ELEPHANT on a PATH. I know this sounds a bit like an Indiana Jones movie but successful change requires you to:
Direct The Rider – Use a strong obvious and logical reason for change to influence the rider. Follow the bright spots, script the critical moves and point to the destination.
Motivate The Elephant – Appeal to emotions not just to logic to influence the emotional elephant. Find the feeling, shrink the change and ultimately grow your people.
Shape The Path – Make the route, the steps, the path to change crystal clear, obvious, explicit. Change the environment, build new habits and motivate the entire team.
Read more about how the 3-part pattern works in practice and the skills involved to implement the 3-part pattern here (URL to your webpage BBS).
BLOG 4 - Stand still and you lose, embrace change and your business wins...
Here is a great ‘successful change’ story involving Jerry Sternin, who arrived in Vietnam in 1991 with his young family. His remit from Save the Children was, with almost no money, to transform the lives of millions of severely malnourished children.
Jerry invited the communities he worked with to identify those poor families who managed to avoid malnutrition despite all the odds – (the bright spots).
These bright spots fed their children the same amount of food over four meals a day instead of the normal two meals. They also added shrimps from the paddy fields and sweet-potato greens that most families didn’t.
Jerry’s idea – copy the bright spots!
Jerry set up cooking classes, with clear instructions to change the old habits. The cooking groups made it easy to follow the path as the end goal (healthy children) was clearly visible. Working together the mothers were encouraged and hopeful as they could see that they would make a difference. The cooking sessions also helped change the environment and ultimately motivated the entire team.
The initial project helped several hundred children in a handful of villages, however when the programme was replicated across the country is saved 2.2 million children.
The simplicity of the 3-part pattern meant he had changed long term the way the community cooked and provided for their children. (URL to your webpage BBS)
BLOG 5 - Successful change management is easy when you manage and stick to these 3 principles...
Leading and managing change is a critical skill for a successful business. Change management entails thoughtful planning and sensitive implementation and above all consultation with, and involvement of, the people affected by the changes. If you force change on your team, then problems will arise. Change must be realistic, measurable and achievable.
Successful change starts with someone changing their behaviour - that someone is you, the business leader. You change your behaviour when you adopt a successful change pattern. Get the rider, elephant and path metaphor to work for you. Before embarking on any organisational change you must ask yourself:
How can I best ‘Direct the Rider’
· script the moves essential for success
· point to the destination - this needs to be something everyone in the business understands and aspires to
· find the bright spots, ask yourself the question ‘What’s working and how can we do more of it’
How can I best ‘Motivate the Elephant’
· get the right people with the right emotional commitment and present evidence for the change that makes them feel something
· reward and recognise the initial changes even if small – each result is a small victory, and this can be a big motivator
· grow your people by fostering and encouraging determination and persistence, highlighting the achievements so far and future milestones
How can I best ‘Shape the Path’
· Tweak the environment – make the right behaviour or processes easier and the wrong ones harder. Reinforce the value of change through promotion, recruitment, new leaders. Make it part of the culture of the company
· Make the change consistent and habitual – this could be achieved by something as simple as adding a checklist
· Turn the minority into a majority – establish a concentrated environment where everyone is focused on doing the same thing.
To learn more about the 3-part memorable plan click here (URL to your webpage BBS).
BLOG 6 - Catapult the fortunes of your business by following this proven pattern for successful change...
If Jerry Sternin, with the odds truly stacked against him, can change the lives of 2.2 million people in Vietnam, you can also be successful at change.
As a race humans are already highly successful in managing change (moving house, having children, getting married, etc.) Your job as a business leader is to apply the memorable 3-part change pattern to the areas of your business you want to change.
Here are 4 tips to successfully achieve this:
1. Start with a small change you want to make happen – set aims that are easy to achieve in bite-sized chunks. You would never learn to ski on a black slope! Start slowly and build.
2. Communicate correctly to ensure maximum buy-in. Involve as many people as you can, communicate the essentials and work out how to direct the ‘rider’ in your people
3. Find the feeling in people, shrink the change and grow your people. Communicate, involve, enable and facilitate involvement from your people, as early, openly and as fully as possible.
4. Tweak the working environment, make the changes habitual and get all of your people on board. Achieving this will require planning with clear objectives, be proactive and always begin with an end in mind, that way you instil a proactive approach to the change you are proposing.
To read more about how following a pattern for successful change can work for you please click here. (URL to your webpage BBS)
Engaging E-mails
Embrace change for profit growth in your business
Leading and managing change is a critical skill for the success of your business.
All too often our desire to change and improve things is undermined by our unwillingness to make short-term sacrifices to achieve long-term gains.
to grow your business, you must embrace change.
In this edition of Business Bitesize you will learn:
- the 3-part pattern that you must follow to achieve successful change and a competitive advantage for your business
- how this memorable 3-part pattern changed the lives of 2.2 million people in Vietnam
- how successful change needs emotional buy-in as well as logical reasoning and clear direction
Are you ready to start using the memorable 3-part pattern to ensure successful change in your business?
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