Fanatical Discipline
What if your business could prosper during competitive attack and economic chaos?
Engaging Tweets
What if, even in times of uncertainty you could still run a successful business
Going from one problem to the next will not deliver you business success
Will your business will be more successful if you can focus on one main thing?
Be driven toward the success of your business by focusing on the one thing that will deliver you success
Give your business the edge over your competition by delivering consistently
Avoid the chaos that running a business can bring by being single minded about your success
What happens when you choose one goal for your business and make it your primary focus?
What can your business learn from businesses that achieve consistent results even in times of chaos?
Time to focus on the one thing that will bring your business success
Because your business matters to you – focus on the one thing that will make it and you a success…
How to run a successful business even in times of uncertainty…
Be fanatically disciplined about the success of your business and beat your competition
What happens when you become fanatically disciplined about the success of your business?
Make time to focus on the main thing that can deliver your business success even in economic chaos
Give your business the edge over your competition by being fanatical about your one main thing…
Learn from the heroes of the South Pole on how to make your business a success…
Stand out from your competition when you focus on the ONE THING to deliver you consistent results and growth
Your business wins when you have one goal like Amundsen did when going to the South Pole
What can your business learn from the success of Amundsen when getting to the South Pole?
Discover how the key to your business success can come from South Pole success
Time to take your one thing seriously like Amundsen did when getting to the South Pole
Make time to make your one main thing, like Amundsen did when getting to the South Pole
Focusing on many things in your business will result in failure – learn from the heroes of the South Pole, the importance of focusing on one thing.
Beat your competition like Amundsen did, by focusing on your one main thing
What happens to your business success when you become fanatical about your one main thing?
Deliver consistent results for your business by being single minded about your one main thing
Amundsen was single minded about his one main thing when going to the South Pole – apply the same principles to your business for consistent business success.
Be fanatical about your one thing like Intel and manage out the uncertainty in your business
Be confident about the future of your business by being fanatical about your one main thing
How to manage the highs and lows in your business with single-minded focus on your one thing
Stop riding the rollercoaster of problems in your business and focus on one goal for consistent growth
What happens when you adopt Intel’s approach to business success and focus on your one main thing
Re-engineer your business, like Intel did to achieve a single focus
Because your business matters to you, learn from the success of Intel and focus on your one main goal to give you competitive edge
Beat your competition and be single minded about your business growth like Intel.
Be specific, methodical and consistent for your business success like Southwest Airlines were
How to grow your business and beat your competition – learn from Southwest Airlines
Southwest Airlines grew when no other airline did… apply the same principles to your business
Time to beat the competition using the Southwest Airlines approach
What happens when you focus on one thing for business success, the way Southwest Airlines did?
You can grow your business even in the worst economic chaos, learn from Southwest Airlines
Focus on your one main thing and your business will succeed above your competition, like Southwest Airlines…
What can your business learn about focusing on the right thing from Southwest Airlines?
Time to make your one main thing, your one main thing for business success
Even in times of chaos and uncertainty you can still beat your competition
Don’t let economic chaos affect the success of your business
What happens when you refuse the ride the rollercoaster of chaos in your business?
Focus on your ’15 miles a day’ number for business success
Stop thinking that business success comes from focusing on many things
Start focusing on one thing that will bring your business success
Grow your business when all around you aren’t, by being fanatical about your one goal
Enjoy business success when you choose the right ‘one main thing’ for your business
Does your ‘one main thing’ bring you consistent growth, whatever the weather?
Time to choose a focused goal for your business – good times or bad…
Be more Amundsen than Scott for business success, choose one main thing and one alone,
Choose one focused goal that you can control and make your business grow
Obsess about the right thing and grow your business whatever the weather…
LinkedIn Updates
1. As a business owner it is hard to manage the complexities that come with running your business and even harder if you are constantly lurching from good times to bad times. Some people would describe this way of working as being on a rollercoaster and would give anything to be able to get off! Click here to learn how to manage the rollercoaster and even thrive in times of uncertainty.
2. Why do some businesses succeed consistently, despite choppy waters, while other businesses in the same industry and under the same conditions sink?
Click here to discover what you can learn from the businesses that achieve consistent results whilst surrounded by chaos?
3. It’s tempting to throw your hands up in despair when unexpected problems occur in your business. It’s tempting to panic, stutter and stall when things happen out of your control that cause chaos. But all is not lost – click here to learn how you deliver consistent results every month, regardless of outside influences?
4. Running your business is stressful - you have commitments – suppliers to pay, customers to satisfy, staff who rely on you and above all, a profit to make. So how do you avoid lurching from one problem to the next? How do you survive, even thrive in turbulent times? Click here to learn how…
5. You’ll always find loads to do every day and every week in your business. But to be well placed to survive, even thrive in times of competitive attack or economic uncertainty you’ll need to adopt the Amundsen strategy. So, what is the Amundsen strategy?? Click here to discover more.
6. Roald Amundsen said this about his attempt to reach the South Pole:
“Our plan is one, one and again one alone – to reach the Pole. For that goal I have decided to throw everything else aside”
This same single-minded focus and approach will deliver your business consistent results also. Click here to start being fanatical about your business success.
7. All businesses experience periods of optimism and encounter periods of turbulence. Managing your business this way can be stressful as more often than not you cannot enjoy the good times as you always suspect the bad times are just around the corner. Click here to learn how you can avoid the stressful highs and lows and still consistently grow your business even in turbulent economic conditions?
8. Jim Collins in his brilliant book ‘Great by Choice’ shows a pair of contrasting businesses in the same industry, exposed to the same turbulence and economic conditions.
Two names that you will recognise are Intel and AMD. They both make the integrated circuits (ICs) that power your Macs and PCs. Click here to learn more about how the decisions made by Intel and AMD affected their businesses in turbulent times and how your business can weather any storm.
9. It doesn’t matter what industry you are in, how fierce your competition and how turbulent the environment is, your business can still survive, succeed, beat the competition and even grow and become dominant. Click here to learn how…
10. Click here to discover that when you have one goal and make it your primary focus and focus all of your energy, the energy of your team and the energy of your business on achieving it from little acorns can grow a mighty oak.
11. The many distractions of running a business means we ride a rollercoaster of business success and failure. Click here to learn how to put your business on the rollercoaster to success.
12. So, how often in your business have you focused on one thing, one main goal? And how often have you put all other issues aside to focus on your one main thing? Amundsen reached the South Pole by focusing on one thing – nothing else – his one main thing was 15 nautical miles per day. Click here to learn what can happened to your business when you focus on your ‘one thing’.
13. What is the one overriding single-minded focus you should have steering your business? To make this decision click here for 4 steps to help you win your personal business race no matter how turbulent your industry gets and be more ‘Amundsen’ and less ‘Scott’.
14. Time to choose a focused goal for your business – good times or bad…
Click here to be more Amundsen than Scott for business success, choose one main thing and one alone.
Facebook Posts
1. As a business owner it is hard to manage the complexities that come with running your business and even harder if you are constantly lurching from good times to bad times. Some people would describe this way of working as being on a rollercoaster and would give anything to be able to get off! Click here to learn how to manage the rollercoaster and even thrive in times of uncertainty.
2. Why do some businesses succeed consistently, despite choppy waters, while other businesses in the same industry and under the same conditions sink?
Click here to discover what you can learn from the businesses that achieve consistent results whilst surrounded by chaos?
3. It’s tempting to throw your hands up in despair when unexpected problems occur in your business. It’s tempting to panic, stutter and stall when things happen out of your control that cause chaos. But all is not lost – click here to learn how you deliver consistent results every month, regardless of outside influences?
4. Running your business is stressful - you have commitments – suppliers to pay, customers to satisfy, staff who rely on you and above all, a profit to make. So how do you avoid lurching from one problem to the next? How do you survive, even thrive in turbulent times? Click here to learn how…
5. You’ll always find loads to do every day and every week in your business. But to be well placed to survive, even thrive in times of competitive attack or economic uncertainty you’ll need to adopt the Amundsen strategy. So, what is the Amundsen strategy?? Click here to discover more.
6. Roald Amundsen said this about his attempt to reach the South Pole:
“Our plan is one, one and again one alone – to reach the Pole. For that goal I have decided to throw everything else aside”
This same single-minded focus and approach will deliver your business consistent results also. Click here to start being fanatical about your business success.
7. All businesses experience periods of optimism and encounter periods of turbulence. Managing your business this way can be stressful as more often than not you cannot enjoy the good times as you always suspect the bad times are just around the corner. Click here to learn how you can avoid the stressful highs and lows and still consistently grow your business even in turbulent economic conditions?
8. Jim Collins in his brilliant book ‘Great by Choice’ shows a pair of contrasting businesses in the same industry, exposed to the same turbulence and economic conditions.
Two names that you will recognise are Intel and AMD. They both make the integrated circuits (ICs) that power your Macs and PCs. Click here to learn more about how the decisions made by Intel and AMD affected their businesses in turbulent times and how your business can weather any storm.
9. It doesn’t matter what industry you are in, how fierce your competition and how turbulent the environment is, your business can still survive, succeed, beat the competition and even grow and become dominant. Click here to learn how…
10. Click here to discover that when you have one goal and make it your primary focus and focus all of your energy, the energy of your team and the energy of your business on achieving it from little acorns can grow a mighty oak.
11. The many distractions of running a business means we ride a rollercoaster of business success and failure. Click here to learn how to put your business on the rollercoaster to success.
12. So, how often in your business have you focused on one thing, one main goal? And how often have you put all other issues aside to focus on your one main thing? Amundsen reached the South Pole by focusing on one thing – nothing else – his one main thing was 15 nautical miles per day. Click here to learn what can happened to your business when you focus on your ‘one thing’.
13. What is the one overriding single-minded focus you should have steering your business? To make this decision click here for 4 steps to help you win your personal business race no matter how turbulent your industry gets and be more ‘Amundsen’ and less ‘Scott’.
14. Time to choose a focused goal for your business – good times or bad…
Click here to be more Amundsen than Scott for business success, choose one main thing and one alone.
Blog Posts
BLOG 1 – What if you could have a more predictable future for your business?
As a business owner it is hard to manage the complexities that come with running your business and even harder if you are constantly lurching from good times to bad times.
Some people would describe this way of working as being on a rollercoaster and would give anything to be able to get off!
Within your business you want to sail a steady ship, in calm waters, that will deliver consistent, even predictable results, month in, month out, quarter in, quarter out and year in, year out.
So how can we avoid living the rollercoaster life, even in the most turbulent of times?
Why do some businesses succeed consistently, despite choppy waters, while other businesses in the same industry and under the same conditions sink?
What can you learn from the businesses that achieve consistent results whilst surrounded by chaos?
And how can the principles used by these businesses be applied to your business to help you succeed also?
Click here to learn how to build a consistently profitable and robust business and give yourself a competitive edge in your industry, even in turbulent times.
BLOG 2 – What can the South Pole heroes teach us about business success?
It’s tempting to throw your hands up in despair when unexpected problems occur in your business.
It’s tempting to panic, stutter and stall when things happen out of your control that cause chaos.
Running your business is stressful - you have commitments – suppliers to pay, customers to satisfy, staff who rely on you and above all, a profit to make.
So how do you avoid lurching from one problem to the next?
How do you survive, even thrive in turbulent times?
How do you deliver consistent results every month, regardless of outside influences?
And how do you run a business that sails the calm waters while other businesses in your industry get washed up on the rocks?
Here is the answer – choose one goal, one daily or weekly measure of success and be fanatical and disciplined about it!
Fail to be single minded about your one goal for your business and you’ll be defeated by the ravages of change in your industry.
Learn from the heroes of the South Pole…
Robert Falcon Scott and Roald Amundsen set off for the South Pole within days of each other. Scott reached the Pole but did not survive the trip. Amundsen reached the Pole before Scott and made it back alive… WHY?
Amundsen was single minded about one thing, he was fanatically disciplined, he had one plan and stuck to it, regardless of the weather, conditions and numerous other problems they encountered along the way.
He chose one goal, made it his only focus and it brought him back alive.
Click here to discover how being fanatical like Amundsen about your one main thing will deliver you consistent growth and results even when the going gets tough.
BLOG 3 – Adopt the Amundsen single-minded strategy for business success
You’ll always find loads to do every day and every week in your business. But to be well placed to survive, even thrive in times of competitive attack or economic uncertainty you’ll need to adopt the Amundsen strategy.
Roald Amundsen said this about his attempt to reach the South Pole:
“Our plan is one, one and again one alone – to reach the Pole. For that goal I have decided to throw everything else aside”
This same single-minded focus and approach will deliver your business consistent results also.
It’s time to be fanatical about your business success.
On the 1st November 1911 Captain Robert Falcon Scott set off from Cardiff aiming to be the first man to reach the South Pole - unfortunately, the expedition claimed his life.
Amundsen set off a few days earlier and arrived at the Pole 34 days ahead of Scott.
Amundsen and all of this team made it back alive.
Why? How?
Amundsen had one goal; Scott had two…
Scott wanted to get to the Pole AND conduct scientific research – he took more than 2000 photos and was carrying 34lb of rocks on the return trip.
Amundsen took 10 photos – all on the way back and had no other distractions.
His plan was clear – get to the South Pole.
Amundsen obsessed with walking no more than 15 nautical miles a day (every day). Come hail, snow, rain or shine Amundsen and his team packed up every morning and set off to do their 15 miles.
On bad weather days Amundsen only managed 8 miles – but their mindset at the start of every day was always to do 15 and no more.
On the other hand, Scott made hay while the sun shone, going as far as they possibly could on sunny days, sometimes dragging their sleds for 10 hours, while on bad weather days they would stay in their tents until it passed.
Amundsen’s team did not allow the weather to determine their routine, they were fanatically disciplined about doing 15 miles a day, every day, without fail.
Amundsen had a daily focus – a daily game – 15 miles a day…
What’s your daily focus, your daily business game?
Click here to learn how you become fanatically disciplined about your one thing so that your business can deliver consistent results and grow even on bad weather days.
BLOG 4 - What can Intel’s focus teach us about business success?
All businesses experience periods of optimism and encounter periods of turbulance.
Managing your business this way can be stressful as more often than not you cannot enjoy the good times as you always suspect the bad times are just around the corner.
So how can you avoid the stressful highs and lows and still consistently grow your business even in turbulent economic conditions?
Jim Collins in his brilliant book ‘Great by Choice’ shows a pair of contrasting businesses in the same industry, exposed to the same turbulence and economic conditions.
Two names that you will recognise are Intel and AMD. They both make the integrated circuits (ICs) that power your Macs and PCs.
Intel started as a memory chip and microprocessor manufacturer. But they took an important long hard look at their business and worked out their one main thing…
In 1985 they decided to focus purely on microprocessors and to exit the memory chip market. Focusing on their one main thing – improving the processing power of their microprocessors - has resulted in their ability to double the processing power of their ICs every 18-24 months.
Intel re-engineered their entire business to achieve this single focus, this was their discipline.
AMD on the other hand, made their one main thing becoming No. 1 in ICs by the end of the 1990s.
This caused them to over-extend their debt rather than pursue controlled growth. And rather than focusing internally, they focused on what their competition were doing instead.
During good times both Intel and AMD grew, however when the market turned, AMD failed whereas Intel quietly and consistently continued to grow.
Intel now dominate the market - their fanatical discipline on their one main thing paid off big time!
Click here to learn more detail about the success of Intel and how even in times of turbulence you can still grow your business and beat the competition by obsessing about your one main thing.
BLOG 5 – Keep it simple like Southwest Airlines for your business success
It doesn’t matter what industry you are in, how fierce your competition and how turbulent the environment is, your business can still survive, succeed, beat the competition and even grow and become dominant.
This can all be achieved when you have one goal, you make it your primary focus and you focus all of your energy, the energy of your team and the energy of your business on achieving it.
From little acorns, grow the mighty oak - this might sound cheesy but Southwest Airlines are a great example of where this actually happened!
Southwest Airlines’ slogan is ‘low fares, nothing to hide’.
They are the only airline to have consistently grown year on year for the last 30 years.
Their one main thing is simple - ‘profitable, low cost, no frills air-travel’
Howard Putnam (CEO of Southwest Airlines) keeps it simple:
‘2-hour segments, 737 aircrafts, 10-minute turn arounds, no air freight, no cargo, no food service, no seat selection, just low fares’
He is specific, methodical and consistent about his one main thing – profitable, low-cost air travel.
Their one main thing has been instrumental in delivering 30 years of profitable trading.
“Southwest Airlines, for example, demanded of itself a profit every year, even when the entire industry lost money”
Jim Collins in his book ‘Great by Choice’
Southwest even made profits during the chaos of the OPEC oil crisis in the 1970s and during the turmoil that followed the 9/11 tragedies in 2001. They made money whilst other airlines collapsed, lost money or had to let staff go.
Their focus on a set of durable operating practices created a replicable and consistent success formula which brilliantly demonstrates fanatical discipline.
Click here to discover how focusing on one main thing - keeping it simple, making it all you do, being obsessed, being fanatical - can work for your business too.
BLOG 6 – Be the success in your industry when you obsess about your one main thing
The many distractions of running a business means we ride a rollercoaster of business success and failure.
So, how often in your business have you focused on one thing, one main goal?
And how often have you put all other issues aside to focus on your one main thing?
Amundsen reached the South Pole by focusing on one thing – nothing else – his one main thing was 15 nautical miles per day.
Intel grew their business to be dominant in their industry by doubling the processing power of all their integrated circuits every 18-24 months – this was their one main thing.
Southwest Airlines grew every year for 30 years by simply being a ‘low cost – no frills airline’ – their one and only focus.
Have you worked out the one main thing that will influence the decisions you make, even when the economy, your industry and your competition are in turmoil?
Click here to discover how Intel and Southwest Airlines prove the value of a single-minded focus
and learn the value to your business success of being fanatical about your one main thing.
BLOG 7 - Are you ready to work out the one goal your business should focus on?
In 1911 there was no satellite communication or GPS.
Setting out on their quest for the South Pole, both Scott and Amundsen were using rough maps, compasses and a sextant.
Scott took the route previously followed by Shackleton; Amundsen took an unproven route.
Scott had ponies; Amundsen had dogs.
Both faced similar weather conditions.
Scott travelled 120 miles more than Amundsen, but Amundsen climbed a 10,000-foot-high mountain.
Both laid out stations of food stocks and supplies in advance.
Amundsen succeeded, Scott did not and died on the return journey.
The answer lies in this one quote:
“Our plan is one, one and again one alone – to reach the pole. For that goal I have decided to throw everything else aside” – Roald Amundsen 1911.
So how does this relate to your business?
Here is a great quote from Jim Collins book ‘Great by Choice’
‘Financial markets are out of your control. Customers are out of your control. Earthquakes are out of your control. Global competition is out of your control. Technological change is out of your control. Almost everything is ultimately out of your control. But when you focus on a ’15-mile march’ (like Amundsen did), you have the tangible point of focus that keeps you and your team moving forward, despite confusion, uncertainty, and even chaos.’
What is the one overriding single-minded focus you should have steering your business?
To make this decision here are 4 steps to help you win your personal business race no matter how turbulent your industry gets and be more ‘Amundsen’ and less ‘Scott’.
1) Work out a number of possible options for the ‘one main thing’ for your business – no less than 4, no more than 7.
2) Narrow down your choices by working out which ones will pay off both in good times and bad times.
3) Share your top 2 or 3 ‘main things’ with a selection of valued and respected customers, suppliers or advisors – ask them which they would choose and why.
4) Work out what measurements (KPIs) you should obsess about to drive your business every day or every week.
You won’t know you have found the right ‘main thing’ for your business until you test it, in good times and in bad, and don’t be afraid to re-focus or change your ‘main thing’ if circumstances change.
Click here to be more Amundsen than Scott when it comes to focusing on the right, main thing for your business.
Engaging E-mails
Here’s how your business can prosper during competitive attack, industry disarray and economic chaos...
Here’s a Business Bitesize report to help you improve your business.
You’ll receive these 4-page reports from us from time to time; we hope you find them useful,and we hope you put them to work too. If you do we’d love to hear about it.
Lurching from good times to bad times is stressful. Living such a rollercoaster business life should be,and can be, avoided even in the most turbulent times.
How come some businesses survive and thrive in chaos while others stutter and stall?
Business Bitesize in a nutshell...
Fail to be single-minded about the one main thing in your business and you’ll be defeated by the ravages of change within your industry.
In this edition of Business Bitesize and the support tools you will learn from the heroes of the South Pole, Intel and Southwest Airlines.
Here's a proven solution for you...
Choose one goal and one daily (or weekly) measure of success and be fanatical and disciplined about them both.
Supporting tools...
Use our online supporting tools and resources at your bbs library page url to find out:
- How insights from the Scott and Amundsen story can be applied in your own business... today
- What is the ‘one main thing’ that you could obsess about to drive your business every day or every week
- What is the ‘Intel Revolving Door Question’ that could change the way you think about your business’ future.
I hope you find value in this Business Bitesize edition
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